The Nine Money Archetypes: What's Yours?
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The Nine Money Archetypes: What's Yours?

Writer's picture: Brenda St LouisBrenda St Louis

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Money touches most aspects of our lives. Our relationship with money is a journey we must all take. It is shaped by the way we were raised, our experiences in dealing with our finances, and also our personality.

It makes up your Money Archetype. Here are the nine Money Archetypes. What is your dominant Money Archetype?

The Innocent


The innocent Money Archetype is where we all began before we had to face the real world and take charge of our lives. The gifts of The Innocent are optimism, a beginner's mind, curiosity, and joy.

However, the adult innocent often appears happy and easy-going but inside they are racked with fear and anxiety. They are easily overwhelmed by financial information; in denial, trusting, non-confrontational, and avoids looking at the situation.

They desperately seek someone to take care of them until they are forced to look at their finances. This could be because of a divorce, a traumatic event, or mounting debt. Now they are confronted with having to deal with the language of money and they feel stupid and/or unequipped.

Their coping strategy can be to avoid and put their head in the sand. The image of perfection or kindness is their armor against abandonment.

Money Practices for the Innocent

When The Innocent feels confident and educated it is easier to lead their financial lives with clarity and purpose rather than fear and avoidance.

The Fool


  • Impulsivity

  • Fearless/Risk-Taker

  • Irresponsible/undisciplined

Failure to do your due diligence when making financial decisions. The Fool often avoids anything that feels painful or uncomfortable.

The Fool is one of the money archetypes needed to kick start the money journey. If the fool is your dominant archetype you could just be starting out in your journey or you could be deeper but stuck in a pattern.

It is often difficult for the fool to change their ways because they usually land on their feet. The eternal optimist often wins because they are willing to roll the dice more than any other archetype.

The fool is an adrenaline junkie and money is just a game for them. They will take the leap into the unknown better than any other Archetype.

Money Practices for the Fool:

  • Slow down, breathe, and ask more questions.

  • Meditation and patience need to be fostered.

  • Start to honor money and allow it to have a place in your life.

  • Learn how to have money in the bank and not spend it.

  • Learning how to be with difficult emotions is mastery for the Fool.

The Orphan


  • They believe that they are on their own when it comes to money.

  • Trust is a big issue.

  • Feelings of powerlessness.

They may become highly emotional when money challenges arise and overspend to soothe the discomfort these challenges bring.

The fear of failure prevents them from striving for success. Betrayal is part of the orphan’s matrix and they will betray themselves first and then others. Susceptible to advertising- looking for the right image outside rather than a deeper satisfaction.

Money Practises for The Orphan:

  • A deep self-forgiveness practice. I.e.) Ho’ponopono -Hawaiian Forgiveness practice.

  • Take responsibility and stop blaming others for difficult circumstances.

  • Practice gratitude daily.

  • Learn how to feel rather than react. Begin to save money and watch how it feels as it grows. It is there to nurture and support you.

The Caregiver


  • Self-sacrifice – a strong need to help others.

  • Saying No is difficult/Poor boundaries.

  • May use guilt and obligation to motivate others.

  • Rescuers and the helpers.

  • They have difficulty receiving.

  • The flow of money is always “out.” The caregiver will take the money journey but usually for their family.

Over time they may feel resentful and overwhelmed if their giving is not acknowledged. But they will suffer in silence. They can passive-aggressively use guilt and obligation to motivate others.

Caregivers have high standards for themselves. They are often perfectionists and incredibly hard workers. They have difficulty receiving from others and the flow of money is often going out towards others. An exhausted and depleted

The Caregiver may use external things to fill that emptiness. Overspending on gifts, overeating, drinking, or binging on unnecessary things.

Money Practices for the Caregiver:

  • Explore what your own needs and wants are.

  • Assert your boundaries; practice saying no.

  • Let go of control and allow things to unfold naturally.

  • Don’t try to fix everything.

  • Trust that others want to support you.

The Artist


You may feel money is the root of all evil. Feeling detached from the physical world, you may be conflicted when it comes to taking care of your physical needs at the same time as nurturing your inner world.

On the money journey, they may show up at any time. They bring innovative approaches to how to travel the journey with unique and beautiful outcomes.

However, they can get stuck in their limiting beliefs.

Money Practices for the Artist

  • To discover the beauty and magic in the material world.

  • Learning that money can be sacred.

  • They need to let go of their beliefs and assumptions that money is evil or wrong.

  • Begin to access both their spiritual wealth and the material manifestation of that abundance.

  • Business, money, and the flow of currency can be creative and powerful energy.

  • Learning that there is a sacredness to money. That it is not void of spirit.

The Tyrant


  • At a core level, they feel that something is missing.

  • They have cut off their inner reality and they need to control the outer world in order to find a sense of control.

  • Scarcity and lack are running the show and there is a deep sense that they are all alone.

The Tyrant can show up for many of us along the money journey, especially when we are feeling out of control.

A rigidity with others can show up as demanding receipts from a spouse or controlling the flow of money to other family members.

They may obsessively check their bank balances or develop elaborate excel sheets to track everything. They can substitute real safety with rules, hoarding, and at times a refusal to share. No matter how much money they have it is never enough.

Money Practices for the Tyrant

  • To learn that their worth is not connected to what they do or accumulate.

  • To begin the journey of loving who they are as a person.

  • Learn how to trust that they are supported by the world and others.

  • Great practice for a Tyrant is to volunteer their time in helping others.

The Warrior


The Warrior can get out of balance at times. An over-developed Warrior may become aggressive, and goal-driven and forget to have compassion for those around them. An unconscious Warrior may refuse support and interrupt the flow of receiving that gives them the strength they need to do the impossible. As a result, they become depleted and resentful.

As the Warrior becomes more balanced and conscious, they will be one of the Money Archetypes that adds to your financial health and wealth. The Warrior is one of the foundational pillars of a healthy relationship with money.

Money Practices for the Warrior

  • Learn when to put your sword down. The real battle is often within.

  • Have the courage to confront your inner dragons first so that you can face the outer dragon with skill and self-awareness.

  • Take time to rest and re-evaluate where you’re going.

  • Remember you are not alone.

The Wise Elder


  • The Wise Elder has a broad, global perspective of the world. They have been around and watched how things have worked and not worked. They have a vision for a different way of being with money that is based on cooperation and community.

  • They have traveled the money journey and have encountered the gifts of sustainability and consciousness and respect for the planet.

  • They hold the space so greed and scarcity can dissolve.

Wise Elders help us let go of our EGO and open to a deeper truth. They will wake up the sleeping consumers within us. Show us how to act as a global community and not over-consume the planet. They are storytellers and are telling a new story and creating a new mythology to frame our lives around.

They are free from the systems and institutions. Reminding us that we are not prisoners of this economy and that we have the power to do things differently. The ultimate environmentalist and one with the earth, they become teachers on how to travel the money journey.

The Wise Elder is one of the foundational Pillars to a healthy relationship with money.

The Wizard


  • They have an air of joy and ease.

  • Money-Wizards are in the flow of this abundant universe.

  • They have a highly developed intuition and a connection with source energy: God/Spirit/Universe.

A true wizard can be financially successful but that doesn’t define them. They use their wealth to support the community and causes that nourish everyone.

The Money-Wizards know that they will be taken care of. They trust that the universe is abundant. They are wise, generous, and at ease. A true Money-Wizard can manifest their desires almost instantaneously.

They know that their spiritual wealth is directly connected to their outer material wealth. Qualities of the Wizard are compassion, joy, ease, generosity, and wisdom.

The Wizard is one of the foundational pillars of a Healthy Relationship with money.

During these challenging times are you feeling anxious and afraid about your financial future? What if, like the Wizard you could feel abundant and joyful with your money?

Are you ready to finally step into your Money Genius?

Discover your money archetype with The Money Archetype Quiz

Learn how to navigate your financial world with The Money Archetype Course

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